I’m sorry Verbose, but I read this as a sign of distrust. Because from what I read here, you don’t think mods are capable to deal with NSFW in a calm and objective way. We reached these ranks for a reason, learn to trust us.
Sorta, yes. It's not as if I don't trust moderators at all, but moderators have different opinions about everything. How does a user upload based upon different guidelines that he or she doesn't even know until he or she has broken them?
Moderators are generally calm and generally level-headed. We like to help out. We've shown ourselves to be responsible.
But none of those attributes prevents us from disagreeing about what we come to a conclusion about. Take the Drawing threads and their featuring for example. That's not a big deal; no one will be banned because of it. But mods feel differently about what should/can be featured. But when it comes to breaking the NSFW (set of) rules, a user could be banned in part because he didn't have enough clarity on what was OK.
For example, you have a user who's uploading images that are on the edge of NSFW and somewhat suggestive, you'll have to answer his question "What's NSFW and what's OK?"
>Moderator discretion
"…I don't know what that is."
You can address it as it comes up, but I think the more specific you are, the less likely that situation is to occur. As it would stand, I think that this is very likely to occur. I say that, because when I was sending PM's to users who uploaded such content, I had to answer that question several times.
I understand that users need to know where the limit is, but imo there will always be moments when these details fail you. Safe images risk being removed because they contain a specific subject within the details that isn’t allowed.
And yes, there will be moments where something appears that would normally make an image unsuitable, but it's actually fine. But how often is that going to occur, and what is the worst thing that would happen? We delete a funny image in the midst of dozens if not hundreds or thousands of others? I don't expect that to occur very often.
Besides, I'm perfectly OK with nixing one image (or a few images) that would break those rules. I don't think KYM is meant to house every single picture. If one gets deleted, then that's not a big deal. But if users don't know what they can upload, that is a big deal. Users get upset, but on the whole, they usually understand. I don't want them to fear uploading something, because they don't know what they can or cannot upload.
I see it as an issue of stray moments where you can't upload funny images versus a constant unknown of what is OK and what is not. One extreme can get you banned, and the other will not because you already know what the rules are.
The thing I dislike about moderator discretion isn't so much based on a lack of trust. It's more along the lines that whatever an individual says essentially goes until another powerful individual steps in. On the whole, we're level-headed, but you've seen reactions to some images from us, and that won't change. I'll still be really harsh on vomiting and borderline lolicon where others will may not even bother with vomit and would say that the characters in lolicon aren't real.
I think what's going to happen will be something in the middle though, and I'm OK with that as well. I think there will be more specificity than before, and there will be a clause for moderator discretion in instances where an image should stay or should be removed. As long as a user isn't punished for instances where an image is removed but it wasn't listed in the rules, then I'm OK with it.
I don't really fault the other side of the spectrum. It would be frustrating to upload a funny image that most people would subjectively say was OK and wasn't offensive, but somehow fell outside of allowed images.