Since nominations were starting to take up the New Boards discussion, I thought it would be a good idea to move them here.
This thread will be for both making nominations and discussing which nominations should move forward – at least until we can come up with a more formalized system (if we ever do).
RandomMan suggested a new forum consisting of the following:
Hall of fame (needs a clever name): a place to highlight great threads that have run their course. all locked, like a museum for lols.
Suggestions put forward so far include:
-This Goat (Platus)
-Samuel L Jackson (Harshwhinny)
-Come Bakc Gamzee!!! (BSoD)
And a whole bunch by Captain Blubber:
-Community Building Experiment Test Chamber 1
-Know Your Meme has the best T-Shirts! Get some!
-This yes. Mod fanart?
-Wheel of Fortune!
-I'm just going to leave this here….
Keep in mind that I haven't been vetting or passing judgement on any of the nominations or anything. I just wanted to make sure that everything in the old thread was moved to this one so the discussion didn't lose anything.
Discuss away!