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[General] 2016 U.S. Presidential Election General

Last posted 8 years ago. Added 9 years ago
2929 posts from 147 users

The Fox hosts had the most talking time, a little more than 31% of the entire two hours. Everyone hated Megyn Kelly and everyone hated the targeted questions they were giving Trump. Seeing him treated like that has only invigorated Trump's voters and their distrust in the party system, as the polls show.

{ Here is a breakdown of the poll results:

1. Donald Trump: 38 percent
2. Ted Cruz: 15.5 percent }

Like holy shit, that is more than double, and Drudge gets about 25 million hits per day so it's not some fringe poll taken over the phone by calling 1000 people and assuming an average.

you guys this is serious.

{ What’s more interesting than any Trump question or answer, though, was the larger dynamic at play. If Fox News has really turned on Trump, it will add a fascinating new twist to the race. Right now, Trump is the dominant candidate in the field because he has exerted a broad appeal to every part of the Republican Party. How might those Republicans react to Fox News--their own network!--aggressively trying to take down their favorite candidate?

To find out, I called Janet Roberts, 69, a nurse in Bellville, Ohio, who participated in last week’s Bloomberg Politics poll and supported Trump (“He has the balls to stand up to the career politicians”). She had agreed to give me her reaction immediately after the debate. When I called, Roberts was furious. “I had more emotion about Fox News tonight than I did about Donald Trump,” she told me. “Those questions were not professional questions. They were bullying. They were set up to purposely make them all look bad. Our country is a mess and I feel like the debate was an example of that. I’m still with Trump.”

While the moderators went after Trump, the candidates mostly shied away from him. In fact, consciously or otherwise, several echoed his points and nearly everyone tried to match his energy. Some even seemed to genuflect. “Donald Trump is hitting a nerve in this country,” Ohio Governor John Kasich said at one point. “Mr. Trump is touching a nerve because people want to see a wall being built.” }

Last edited 9 years ago

lisalombs said:

Everyone hated Megyn Kelly and everyone hated the targeted questions they were giving Trump.

I don't know about "everyone." I loved the fact the moderators weren't playing t-ball and were actually asking difficult questions. This is a debate, not a self serving masturbating session. Its purpose is to test candidates and give viewers an idea of what they're like.

The term "Slate Pitches" exists for a reason.

Literally every single conservative is aghast at how Kelly acted. She wasn't even acting like a news professional, she conducted herself like she was high, especially that lead in to the last commercial break before the closing statements.

It has nothing to do with the questions anyone but Trump got, which were blatant attacks when the country wanted to see him get real questions and give real answers, not talk about what he's called women on Twitter and whether or not he has real material proof in his pocket right now right this instant that Mexico is sending us criminals. They treated him like a joke before they even gave him a chance, all they did was give even more people who are tired of partisan politics another reason to support him.

Schumer pledges to oppose Iran agreement. Huge blow for Obama.

Bernie Sanders has pledged to support the Iran agreement.

Last edited 9 years ago

This Trump worship stuff makes me feel like a man without a country. Most of the conservative commentators I listen to tell me I should support him, but I just can't. I feel like if I even tried, my body would start to shut down. All I heard today was how Megan Kelly treated Trump unfairly. I've had problems with Kelly in the past, but no, I see nothing wrong with how she conducted herself at the debate. It's been less than two months and I'm already tired of Trump. I can't even fathom four to eight years of him.

"Ironically, there are certain liberal voters in America today more interested in sharing memes on social media (mocking their political rivals), than in actually rallying around a politician who is a genuine and authentic embodiment of their acknowledged value system. To these people, Bernie Sanders can't possibly win, even though he championed gay rights when others needed to "evolve," and even though he voted against Iraq, when others deemed their vote a "mistake.""

Just thought this was relevant.

Full article from Huffington Post Here

Holy shit, Trump actually called her a bimbo on social media. Tumblr must be having fits. An actual misogynistic privileged shitlord steamrolling the PC cuckservatives, this is golden!

Remember, a vote for trump is a vote for teh lulz.

MsgrHothead wrote:

Holy shit, Trump actually called her a bimbo on social media. Tumblr must be having fits. An actual misogynistic privileged shitlord steamrolling the PC cuckservatives, this is golden!

Remember, a vote for trump is a vote for teh lulz.

Is cuckservative a thing now? Dear gog I was hoping that term was a phase.

^ yes and that twitter post was a retweet of one if his own older posts, but tumblr still probably doesn't care what anyone calls conservative females.

lisalombs wrote:

^ yes and that twitter post was a retweet of one if his own older posts, but tumblr still probably doesn't care what anyone calls conservative females.

Speaking from personal experience?

MsgrHothead wrote:

Speaking from personal experience?

Iiiiit's tumblr. Hypocrisy is an inseparable part of their more extreme contingents.

Colonial2.1 wrote:

Iiiiit's tumblr. Hypocrisy is an inseparable part of their more extreme contingents.

I thought I'd ask, as she is a conservative female herself.

How about we all stop giving such massive attention to the inane shit that rolls out of Trump's mouth every other week? Y'all are just giving him the attention he craves.

Last edited 9 years ago

Jorgan the Sneedfule wrote:

How about we all stop giving such massive attention to the inane shit that rolls out of Trump's mouth every other week? Y'all are just giving him the attention he craves.

I'd rather know and spread the word the "inane shit that rolls out of [insert politician here]'s mouth" instead of keeping mum or pretending it doesn't exist.

If [Insert Politician Here] undoubtedly and genuinely believes in what he/she is saying, it's not trolling. Sure, [Insert Politician Here] may be riling up the viewers for attention, but it's not For Teh Lulz.

Last edited 9 years ago

I support Sanders, obviously.

>tfw you support Fiorina because she seems to be a level-headed person who's a good speaker but know she doesn't have a chance against Tropical Storm Trump

Last edited 9 years ago

Black Lives Matter. They stormed the stage and said he wasn't doing enough to help them.

Always Right wrote:

Anyone see the BLM people take over that Sanders rally?

The left really is eating itself, top kek.

Yep, it was sodding hilarious seeing him getting shot down by the same morons he pandered to.

It's also hilarious that those morons don't know that Sanders was an ardent civil rights activist.

As much as I dislike Sanders, I'd have preferred for them to interrupt a Trump speech for obvious reasons.

Last edited 9 years ago

Naschzaube Mausmann said:

Anyone see the BLM people take over that Sanders rally?

It's funny they've disrupted him and O'Malley, but I haven't heard a word about Clinton disruptions. The tinfoil part of me wants to make a connection there.

Here's some useless polls:

New Florida Republican primary poll has Trump barely edging out Bush with 27% to Bush's 26%*.

New Hampshire polls show Paul, Walker, and Bush all beating Clinton by 1-3%* while she crushes Trump by 10%.

Clinton's still leading Sanders 52% to 16%.

While the New Hampshire Deomcratic primary poll shows things much closer with Clinton leading 42% to 36%.

*The margin of error effectively means these are a statistical dead heat.

lisalombs wrote:

Black Lives Matter. They stormed the stage and said he wasn't doing enough to help them.

So are they a political organization now, or are they still just a twitter hashtag?

jarbox wrote:

So are they a political organization now, or are they still just a twitter hashtag?

It's just a hashtag movement, nothing official. Basically feminism for black people, only worse.

You guys.

{ According to the latest NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey, Trump is at the top of the list of GOP candidates that Republican primary voters would cast a ballot for if the primary were being held right now.

The overnight poll was conducted for 24 hours from Friday evening into Saturday. During that period, Donald Trump stayed in the headlines due to his negative comments about Kelly and was dis-invited from a major conservative gathering in Atlanta.

None of that stopped Trump from coming in at the top of the poll with 23 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz was next on the list with 13 percent.

Fifty-four percent of Trump supporters said they would vote for him for president, even if he didn't win the GOP nomination. }

He increased his lead. Do you think he checks the polls every couple hours and just sits there and cackles for like fifteen minutes?

Last edited 9 years ago

Always Right wrote:

Anyone see the BLM people take over that Sanders rally?

The left really is eating itself, top kek.

This has been the case for decades.

Anarchists vs Stalinists, Stalinists vs Trotskyists, Trotskyists vs Anarchists, all of the above vs social democrats.

>According to the latest NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey
>latest NBC News Online Poll conducted
>Online Poll
Summarily disregarded. Online polls are just as worthless as online petitions.

They've been doing election polls online for like a decade now. They're really no better or worse than randomly calling 1000 people and assuming an average for the rest of the population, which is how they do every other poll. Depending on the participants, of course. That Drudge poll showing Trump's overwhelming win after the debate was at a little over 585,000 total votes when it closed.

Old Man GigaChad wrote:

Bernie lost my vote when this happened

if he can't handle a couple of screaming college girls I don't trust him with Putin.

I don't know do you guys think screaming college girls would run that country better than Putin?

Also, what's he supposed to do shove them off stage? Rip the microphone from their hands? Not everyone can afford a bodyguard, although after this he might consider getting one. But there was no response better than what he did, otherwise it'd look like he's silencing freedom of speech or being mean to some college girls that don't understand what the hell they're doing. This was a stunt meant to do just that: make you not want to vote for him for no reason. I think this was rigged and had an ulterior motive of pure harassment and shouldn't be translated into Bernie Sanders somehow being in the wrong. If anything he was probably showing every ounce of restraint to not yell at them and pry the microphone from their cold dead hands.

So pretty much this election breaks down to Trump being a horrible person and a pompous asshole, but still being more charismatic, passionate, and honest then all the other lying, two-faced, head-in-the-clouds, muttering-stuttering candidates both parties have produced against him.

The worst of hollywood is able to outpace the best of washington by leagues.

{So pretty much this election breaks down to Trump being a horrible person and a pompous asshole, but still being more charismatic, passionate, and honest then all the other lying, two-faced, head-in-the-clouds, muttering-stuttering candidates both parties have produced against him.}

The only problem with that assessment is the word "honest." There is no reason to believe Donald Trump believes a word of what he says, considering he recently held contrary positions on many major issues. I'm sure there's plenty of dishonesty among the other candidates, but I'm willing to believe there's at least one candidate who actually said something that wasn't a lie at some point. For that matter, nearly every other candidate has more governing experience than Trump. He is, by far, the least qualified candidate. Trump is an entitled asshole on a vanity project, while his competitors are experienced politicians. Many of them suck, but not as much as him.

More charismatic then Cruz, More passionate then Sanders-post-BLM, And more honest then Clinton-Post-Server-Seisure.

Last edited 9 years ago

A poll update and further insight on election polling:

This morning's New Hampshire poll shows Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton for the first time in a state that was considered a locked-in win for Hillary. Bernie 44% Hillary 37%

{ Sanders leads Clinton 44-37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, the first time the heavily favored Clinton has trailed in the 2016 primary campaign, according to the poll of 442 Granite-Staters. }

This is a typical sample size for an election poll, which is what makes Trump's extraordinary lead in the 580k+ sample Drudge poll so significant.

{ He is, by far, the least qualified candidate. }

People aren't supporting Trump because they want his experience or they think he can fix the economy or build a wall. They're supporting him because he's forcing the media to focus on un-PC issues whose outcomes actually effect the people in this country directly and immediately. Issues other politicians avoid because it sounds bad, or they give the PC answer that no conservative wants to hear. Trump represents decades of middle class discontent, and they're the biggest voting demographic. The other GOP candidates have wholly written them off as a bunch of "crazies", which in turn only proves that they're supporting the right guy.

People don't want Trump to be the nominee to fix anything, they want Trump to be the nominee for the resulting establishment circus that would surely follow.

Every new report I read on him from career pundits and politicians that say his latest comment will surely be the end of his career (only to see his numbers surge) makes me think people are truly serious about this mini-revolution.

Last edited 9 years ago

Ben Carson on Planned Parenthood:

{ “Well, maybe I’m not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood. But you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people,” Carson said. “And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find way to control that population. And I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger, who founded this place -- a woman who Hillary Clinton by the say says she admires. Look and see what many people in Nazi Germany thought about her.” }

Basilius wrote:

I'm hoping Bernie wins, Most of the other candidates seem like fucking loonies.

Well, in the New Hampshire poll he is ahead of Hillary Clinton by 7%, which is 44% to 37%. This is in the two months where Bernie Sanders was only at 8 percent and Hillary Clinton was at 47%. All it had to take was know what Bernie Sanders stood for, his track record on standing by those principles, and the people were like "Hey, yeah that's what I want!" They then look at Hillary Clinton and are all "Weeeelll she saaaid she's for this, but she is currently doing things which are clearly nooot for this…"

^ this is the first poll he's overtaken her on and it's because of her scandals, not his suggested policies.

The thing I like most about this primary season is people who think Donald Trump's voters are out of their minds/racist/whatever but are then like I'M VOTING FOR BERNIE.

ya'll know Bernie is the left's Trump, yeah? Says extreme things, opening up a lead in the polls, voters choosing him because he represents what the establishment politicians don't… They're vetting Biden to run now that Hillary is going down, Sanders is nothing to take seriously.

Last edited 9 years ago

lisalombs wrote:

^ this is the first poll he's overtaken her on and it's because of her scandals, not his suggested policies.

The thing I like most about this primary season is people who think Donald Trump's voters are out of their minds/racist/whatever but are then like I'M VOTING FOR BERNIE.

ya'll know Bernie is the left's Trump, yeah? Says extreme things, opening up a lead in the polls, voters choosing him because he represents what the establishment politicians don't… They're vetting Biden to run now that Hillary is going down, Sanders is nothing to take seriously.

Biden, is a good character, from what I've researched. He follows Obama's mindset of compromise and trying to stay fairly neutral. Bernie Sanders, is of great character, from what I've researched. He is not a joke like Donald Trump, and it is a poorly formed comparison to bring up. It's like comparing Kim Kardashian to Stephen Hawking because they're both extreme opposites. Donald Trump is the absolute pit of darkly idiocy, and he offends me greatly with his flamboyantly offensive, cartoony attitude toward politics. They're both extremely opposite, that does not mean they're both extreme.

Biden would make things complicated if he ran, and Trump has absolutely no chance of winning given his complete moral ineptitude and frankly lack of common sense. Biden and Bernie would be the choice between a revolution in the way we think, and an average continuation of what we have right now. I view Biden as being much like Obama, and think he's okay; however, Bernie Sanders has laid out numerous ideas and has been much more consistent than Biden with his progressive voting and views. Trump is to in no way be taken seriously and when the Republicans start shrinking down their circle of potential candidates people will realize this.

TLDR; Biden is okay, Bernie is fantastic, Trump is nothing. Biden would have a high chance of winning just as Sanders does, due to being a safer, more neutral grounds the average voter is going to want as president. Bernie Sanders has a high chance of winning due to his consistency and progressive ideas U.S. politics has lacked for quite some time. Trump, speaks for himself, and does so far too well.

They're both exactly the same in the establishment politicians/pundits minds, which is exactly the point.

Bernie Sanders' ideas are no more realistically feasible than building a big wall to keep Mexicans out. Neither of them have any hope before Congress. Being president is great and all but we have a system of checks and balances here.

He wants to give everything away for free free free and make all 42 million immigrants currently here legal or extend their visas, and who's supposed to pay for it? Oh right the businesses. We're going to dramatically increase their personal income taxes and take back the subsidies and tax breaks that keep them here instead of China in the first place, and they'll totally be on board!

You only think Sanders is "better" than Trump because he's saying outrageous things you agree with. There are a lot of people who agree worth the outrageous things Trump says too. That's why they're both doing well in the polls but their parties can't stand the idea of them.

lisalombs wrote:

^ this is the first poll he's overtaken her on and it's because of her scandals, not his suggested policies.

The thing I like most about this primary season is people who think Donald Trump's voters are out of their minds/racist/whatever but are then like I'M VOTING FOR BERNIE.

ya'll know Bernie is the left's Trump, yeah? Says extreme things, opening up a lead in the polls, voters choosing him because he represents what the establishment politicians don't… They're vetting Biden to run now that Hillary is going down, Sanders is nothing to take seriously.

It's a mix of Hillary's scandals and Bernie's tangible determination to unwind the shit that the 1980s brought.

Extreme things for America, the norm in Europe, places which are socially advanced than us. No, sorry, I don't see the hypocrisy in this.

Sanders is nothing to take seriously….yet is gaining in popularity. Hmmm….

""Bernie Sanders’ ideas are no more realistically feasible than building a big wall to keep Mexicans out. Neither of them have any hope before Congress. Being president is great and all but we have a system of checks and balances here.""

Ah, you're looking for realism here. "Let's vote for people who will keep things the same, maybe even worse, or we can vote for a guy who has a tangible chance of fixing things." You're right, Lisa. It is more realistic to vote for a guy who will keep things the same as it was, considering how it's already there.

Last edited 9 years ago

{ Sanders is nothing to take seriously….yet is gaining in popularity. Hmmm…. }

Nobody has lead Trump in a poll yet on the GOP side. lmao they are exactly the same political figure you guys, just opposite ends of the spectrum. Bernie's lead in New Hampshire is causing as much turmoil among the Democrats as Trump's post-debate surge did among the GOP.

Unless you are advocating globalization, comparing Europe and the US is pointless. The political and economic situations are complete different, hence the responses to them need to be completely different. "WELL IT WORKS FOR THOSE MICRO COUNTRIES IN EUROPE" has never been a good argument. The most populated country in Europe has five times less people in it than the US, we have a number equal to the entire population of Ukraine just in immigrants right now. Please invite 42 million immigrants into any country in Europe and come back in a year and tell me how it's going with those socially advanced policies.

Yes, obviously the only realistic option is to do everything exactly the same, expecting any form of moderate change or potential for compromise is absolutely ludicrous, clearly the only choices based in reality are 100% absolute sameness or Bernie Sanders Socialism.

Last edited 9 years ago

""Nobody has lead Trump in a poll yet on the GOP side. lmao they are exactly the same political figure you guys, just opposite ends of the spectrum. Bernie’s lead in New Hampshire is causing as much turmoil among the Democrats as Trump’s post-debate surge did among the GOP.""

So you agree that yes, Bernie Sanders is someone to take seriously on the Democrat side.

""Unless you are advocating globalization, comparing Europe and the US is pointless. The political and economic situations are complete different, hence the responses to them need to be completely different. “WELL IT WORKS FOR THOSE MICRO COUNTRIES IN EUROPE” has never been a good argument. The most populated country in Europe has five times less people in it than the US, we have a number equal to the entire population of Ukraine just in immigrants right now. Please invite 42 million immigrants into any country in Europe and come back in a year and tell me how it’s going with those socially advanced policies.""

Would you like to explain to me how free college education, paid maternity leave, NO Citizens United Bill, marriage equality, a funded Planned Parenthood division, AND no super-cringeworthy lack of corporate product and energy regulations are NOT advanced policies? Both socially and economically, since I've included economic policies. Obviously I placed marriage equality and Planned Parenthood considering most GOP members are thinking of, erm…removing these.

""Yes, obviously the only realistic option is to do everything exactly the same, expecting any form of moderate change or potential for compromise is absolutely ludicrous, clearly the only choices based in reality are 100% absolute sameness or Bernie Sanders Socialism""

Bernie Sanders's policies are moderate changes considering he is not vying for True Socialism nor Marxism, nor Communism, nor Nationalism, nor any other scary words people like to throw around in a vain attempt to dismiss Bernie Sanders's platform. Aaand I do not expect compromise in over 480 members of Congress, considering BOTH sides are asking for compromise, yet we either get nothing accomplished, or a party majority goes full steam ahead. Really, this is not a fault of the President, but a fault of Congress. THIS branch of government will take a lot of work.

Last edited 9 years ago

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