Many of us have been passing judgement on memes too quickly, myself included. While it may seem that a lot of submissions should be deadpooled based on the info, many of these are actual memes, as said by Chris.
We might all need a re-debriefing, so here.
1: The only time it's an insta-deadpool is with spam, troll, or duplicate entries.
2: If it looks like it isn't a meme, look it up first. Turns out "It's so cold in the D" is a meme, even though it looked like junk. GOOGLE, GOOGLE, GOOGLE!
3: This article is crap. +1 work.
Work on what? Origin? Spread? Evidence? Specify.
"[15:02] <@chrismenning> Instead of telling others why they suck, tell them how they can be awesome"
Yeah, that.
So, yeah, don't "+1 deadpool" until you have actually checked for its presence.