Welcome to the wonderful world of Alpha Complex, citizen.
Paranoia is a game where there are rules, but the player's aren't allowed to know them.
If any player even gives the merest hint of knowing what the rules are and their character does not have ULTRAVIOLET clearance, they are immediately executed for reading something above their security clearance.
The player characters play as Trouble Shooters. An elite security force whose job is to find trouble and shoot it.
Your main goal is to seek out and hunt down all Commie Mutant Traitors seeking to subvert or destroy Friend Computer and the Alpha Complex.
However, you are a Commie Mutant traitor seeking to subvert or destroy Friend Computer and the Alpha Complex.
Everyone is also part of an illegal secret society, most of which are widely known about, which each have their own separate goals and agendas. However, belonging to a secret society is treason, as they subvert Friend Computer's authority and are therefore traitors.
Occasionally, players will be tasked with non-violent tasks, such as maintenance, cleaning and testing experimental equipment. You will quickly learn to dread these missions.
Now this may make Alpha Complex sound like a chaotic and dangerous place to live, but this is not true at all. Friend Computer says that Alpha Complex is the most happiest and safest place in the entire world.
Implying the Computer is wrong is Treason.
Treason is punishable by Death.
The Computer is your Friend. Trust the Computer.
If this sounds interesting to you, then I warmly welcome you to join in on our first session of Paranoia.
In the next few posts, I go over some of the important aspects of the game and how it works; but for those interested, the entire rule book can be found here.
Just try to keep in mind what I said about the rules.