Blue Screen (of Death)
Scrapbooker & Elocutionist & Media Bus Boy
Location: Moved on with his life. brb. except not really brb
Joined Nov 08, 2011 at 08:42AM EST
- About
I came, I crashed, I fagged up this site. Thanks KYM
WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!? Please post on my wall and introduce yourself. If I don't really know you or talk to you, I will not friend you. If you are still just embarrassingly sitting in my follow list then it is because I have no idea who you are and I find it awkward. If you seek to change that then socialize!
See my entry on KYM for more about me
TF2, Starcraft 2, Borderlands 2, Star Conflict, Guns of Icarus and more. Find me on Steam, same name there as here.
90's gaming will always live on in my heartPonies,
Homestuck, gaming and Carl Sagan. If you hate those, too bad. But I'm cool with other fandoms.
Carl Sagan is best pony
DnB, Trance, Dubstep and a bit of House. Favorites include BSE, SoM, Pendulum, The Upbeats, Shapeshifter and Seba.
Metal is fine too. Don't mind Rammstien, Disturbed or System of a Down.
I am a bass addict. No bass, not interested
Sometimes I draw shit. I'm terrible at it.
But hey, at least my pony OC was not drawn with some pony creator program"
I'm a trained PHP web developer. I'm all about the code.
I started the famous trend of themed profiles when I discovered a way to inject my own CSS and Jquery into my profile….but then people abused that and now you can't do it anymore. Dumbasses
Obligatory profile music:
I'll leave my final message to you all in the format of the music I love best
Cherish always, the cancer I gave you, KYM. And remember me by it
I was the last original bronemod of the cabal. Anyone who says otherwise are fake shit posers
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