Archivist & Elocutionist & Media Bus Boy
Location: Somewhere in South America
Joined Nov 25, 2020 at 06:17AM EST
- About
Lover of classic FPS, car combat, open world sandbox
and you will find out the rest overtimeOk, i think that was enough ambiguousness from me. Time to set the records straight here.
yes, I'am indeed here for the memes, good people and the occasional nsfw, but there's more…
Story of my life,
I grew up with Vigilante 8 and it's secuel, Second Offense on the PS1, however i'm familiar with such N64 hits as Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. 1, Goldeneye 007, and that's only on the N64. As for the PS1, i have clear memories of THPS2, Road Rash Jailbreak, I never played a Resident Evil game myself but i was next to my older brother whenever he was playing any of the games in the series. I went through all the Crash Bandicoot games on the PS1, Medal of Honor 1 and plenty of others… I was not a console only kid, however because most of my time on the old family's PC was spent playing a mod called Half-Life Wanted! (because it was the only thing we had that had bot support), i played many H-L 1 mods, even Team Fortress but i never had any bots to play them with…My life changed forever around 2005-2006 because that's when we finally got internet access. From that point onwards all my time was spent playing games in places like Juegos10.com, Miniclip.com, Minijuegos.com, and of course both playing games and watching animations in Newgrounds, which is the place i give credit to for teaching me english. In regards of TV i went all the ways, Nick, CN, Disney, Jetix/4Kids
Personal tastes : You want to get my inmidiate attention? Here's a couple of ways you can do it: Tomboys are an easy way to start, wholesomeness can help alot. Goths are something i'm fond of , just like anyone else. This one , oh that skelly… No la olvidare, ni en la vida ni despues de la muerte, pues eso seria tener poca suerte. Women in night dresses are like magnets to my eyes, think about…Ada wong, either her
RE 2 (98) version.
RE 2 (2019) version.
RE 4 version.
Mayor Pauline, also can get me eating bread crumbs from the palm of her hand.
I'm also quite a bit into Metal Slug, specially X and 3, and I have huge appreciation for the whole X gang
And Fio is my best girl from that series
Alex from Minecraft, you can say that she's a blank slate all you want but she still meets all my criteria for best girl.
Well, that's good enough, but what if she was better?… With you know? Tomboyish muscles?
Me? Have a hungarian waifu? It's more likely than you think
Call me a boot-licker but our very own, beloved KYM-tan is among my waifu list.
from Friday Night Funkin' (Also i love that game, despite sucking at it)
Princess Daisy also is a garanteed eye catcher for me :
Bonus points if she's portrayed as a tomboy.
She's my Nintendo best girl, however i prefer to not fawn too much on her for respect towards Luigi.
And now that i'm here.
And now that i'm talking about couples that are pretty much cannon, i think you can guess that these two dummies have been on my good graces for a while now.
And don't get me started on these cute machines. Let's just say that i see why there's so many 4Chan users simping for them.
And talking about machines, here's another one I love , yeah, thanks KYM for making me re-descover her and love her again.Phew! That was a lot of writing and copy-pasting, i guess i will update my wall again when i consider it Appropiate. For now, enjoy the page, because i can not stress enough how much i have already.
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